Frequently Asked Questions
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what is Polyurea ?
Polyurea is a type of elastomer that is derived from the reaction product of an isocyanate component and a synthetic resin blend component through step-growth polymerization. The isocyanate can be aromatic or aliphatic in nature. It can be monomer, polymer, or any variant reaction of isocyanates, quasi-prepolymer or a prepolymer. The prepolymer, or quasi-prepolymer, can be made of an amine-terminated polymer resin, or a hydroxyl-terminated polymer resin. The end result is a rubber or soft plastic compound that may be used in many of the same ways as older technologies – polyurethane, epoxy, vinyl ester, neoprene or HDPE.
is polyurea difficult to apply
Polyurea requires special training and equipment in order to utilize the product correctly.
where can polyurea be used
flat roofs, podeoms , walkways ,swiming pools , anywhere where a durable system is needed
how much poluyure can be spayed a day
on big flat areas we can instal 450m2 per day.
is our work guaranteed
it sure is .we offer guarantees warranty and insurance backed polices
where do we work
we will consider any project, please just ask the question and forward on the details.
Contact Us
229 Huntspond Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 4PJ
Office: 01489 482380
Jonny: 07595 258794